Nourishing and Supporting Family Life

Term 2 online course - Saturday mornings 10.00 - 11.00am

The early years of a child’s life are crucial for laying the foundation for the future development of the child’s mind, body, and soul.  The home environment can be a safe and reassuring place to grow a healthy body, learn about the world, foster capacities for curiosity and imagination, and educate the heart.

This short course is for parents and carers with young children up to the age of 4 years old.  We will explore the importance of family culture, rhythm, play, storytelling, music and festivals to nurture the young child and support healthy development through a warm and nourishing home life.

The weekly sessions run over 6 Saturday mornings from 10.00 – 11.00am Melbourne time.

Week 1 – Healthy Home Life and Family Culture

Each family has their own unique family culture and values that hold and sustain the family.  Creating a healthy family culture helps to connect– with love, warmth and respect– with the simplicity and depth of everyday life.  In this session we will explore the importance of homelife and of creating an environment that nourishes the senses and the soul.

Week 2 – The Importance of Rhythm

Rhythm is all around us.  It is in the sun rising and setting, it is in the seasons, and it is in our breathing and the beat of our own heart.  In this session we will explore the importance of rhythm in our lives as parents and how children thrive when they are supported with a home life rich with rhythm.

Week 3 – Supporting Healthy Play

In this session we will look at the importance of play in early childhood.  We will explore the developmental stages of children in early childhood and what healthy play looks like, including how to create a play space at home and the importance of being in nature.

Week 4 – The Magic of Storytelling

Stories have been told since humans could speak and have been a way of sharing cultural traditions all over the world.  Stories can also convey family traditions and bring meaning to what it is to be human.  In this session we explore storytelling to the young child and what is appropriate for this age group.  We will also look at how to create a magical experience for both the storyteller and the listener.

Week 5 – Songs and Verses

Songs are part of a wise and wonderful folk tradition, and the practice of music is our legacy and heritage. The cornerstone of a child’s wellbeing–the relationship and connection between adult and child–can be built from the special gifts of songs and verses. Together we will learn some beautiful songs and verses to share with the young child to create that connection in a warm, fun and loving way.

Week 6 – Celebrations and Festivals

In the final session of this series we will explore celebrations and festivals in family life–from the creation of a seasonal table and celebration of birthdays, through to being a part of community festivals.  It is a very deep part of human nature to have rituals and traditions around important life events.  When we celebrate festivals together, a rich culture is built and community is created.  We will discuss how families can truly meet and share connections together to create their own family culture and a wider community around them.

Practical Information

Term 2, 2025:  Saturday mornings 10 May – 14 June

10.00am – 11.00am

An online short course.  All sessions will be recorded and made available until the end of the term (30 June).

Kim Roche

Kim started her teaching journey 30 years ago in primary education and over the years she has focussed her work and studies in Steiner early childhood. She has qualifications and experience in both teaching and counselling, and these combined skills have been important foundations for working with parents and young children in the Steiner playgroup setting. She has a love of songs, rhymes and storytelling for the young child which she passionately shares with her Melbourne Steiner playgroup families and other playgroup leaders. She has three children that are attending or have graduated from the Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School and they were all raised on songs, stories and lots of outdoor play.

$210 for the term.  $190 early bird special if enrolled prior to 11 April 2025.

If you wish to withdraw from a course, please send an email to    

  • If you withdraw prior to a course beginning we will refund any fees paid, less a $100 administration fee.
  •  If you withdraw after the first session of the course, we regret we cannot refund fees paid.

Each session is live streamed and recorded.  Participants will receive a Certificate of Professional Development upon completion, subject to 100% attendance (live participation or catching up on recordings).

This course does not lead to a qualification.


For information or assistance please call Carmen on 03 9876 5199 or email .