Larissa completed our Advanced Diploma of Rudolf Steiner Education and then took the pathway to university to finish her teaching qualification. Now she has a creative and rewarding career in Steiner Education. Here’s her story.
“As a parent of children who went to Steiner schools, and working in administration at a Steiner school, I began to feel more strongly that I wanted to be in the classroom teaching – I was looking for a way to contribute to society in a way that both challenged me and utilised the skill I already had. I enquired at the Seminar, and after a meeting with Helen, I thought, ‘This course looks creative and thoughtful; it has a humanistic, child-centred approach, which I think is really important in teaching, and there is a depth here that I cannot articulate right now, but I can feel it.’
As a student-teacher, I loved being on the Warranwood campus. The buildings create such a sense of peace and it is so relaxing to be in the gardens. Seeing fellow students every day was a joy and helped me immensely in my learning about people, how they learn, and how we work in groups (it’s important for teachers to remember these things!).
After completing two years at Steiner Seminar I embarked, by correspondence, on third and fourth year of a Bachelor of Teaching and Learning at Charles Darwin University. I was able to fit in paid work as well (assisting in Class 1 and 2, as well as an admin role at school). The way that Charles Darwin presented online learning meant I had access to all I needed in order to work on units at any time, and lecturer support through a chatroom. A few other people in second year went on to Charles Darwin as well, and that just added to the level of support and sharing.
I am currently at Little Yarra Steiner School as the Class 7 teacher and College Chair. I took this class from Class 1. It is a humbling experience to be trusted to care for and teach the children in my class. The school itself is a wonderful place to be. The children are open and warm, the staff are kind, and the school creates a generous environment where the children are the centre of what we do.
I am also constantly amazed by how the curriculum meets the children through their stages of development. It works in a truly therapeutic manner. I understood this theoretically as a student-teacher and witnessed this on placements but bringing it to reality for my class has shown me just how rich it is.
I also really appreciate the need for teachers to have a feeling for responsibility and courage for the truth. Studying Anthroposophy offers a life-long journey of personal growth, humility, compassion and a deepening understanding of the world and humanity.
I would highly recommend this pathway to anyone who wants to be a part of educating children in a manner that supports humanity to grow and improve; and brings hope for the future of humankind.”
Interviews are now open for enrolling in this unique accredited course, the Advanced Diploma of Rudolf Steiner Education with a single intake in February 2021. Have a look at our page for further information, call Anne in the office for a conversation, and join our Course Information Evening on ZOOM on Monday 12th October at 7.00 pm. You can register to join this meeting by clicking here.