‘Finding your Destiny – The art of Steiner Waldorf Teaching’ – an evening talk with Wolfgang Maschek, Andrew Hill, and Sinead Delaney

  In October 2024, we invited Andrew Hill, CEO of Steiner Education Australia, former principal of Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School, former Class Teacher; Wolfgang Maschek, former Class Teacher and current Steiner teacher trainer and mentor; and Sinead Delaney, to discuss and explore the following topics:  Overview of Steiner Education: Background and the aim of Dr. […]

Information Evening 2023

If you want to know more about the Advanced Diploma of Rudolf Steiner Education view the Information Evening recording held 17 August 2023.

What is Steiner Education?

Click on image to view recording What is Steiner Education? Andrew Hill 2023 In this 20 minute recording from our 2023 Information Evening, Andrew Hill, CEO of Steiner Education Australia, gives viewers the context of the rise of Steiner education, the  principles underpinning the pedagogy,  and how the curriculum meets the needs of the developing […]

The importance of Steiner Education

Click on the image to view recording The importance of Steiner Education in a post-COVID world Andrew Hill 2020 Andrew Hill speaks about the 7 pillars of meaning and purpose in a human being’s life, and how Steiner Education helps children connect with this meaning and their own purpose.

Come & Try Mornings

Find out more about the Advanced Diploma of Rudolf Steiner Education and join us in a morning of classes and activities from 10.00am – 1.45pm on any of the following dates: Tuesday 5 September This is a great opportunity for you to visit our beautiful campus, get a feel for the course content and the […]

International Student Information

International Student Information Information for International Students International students are both those who live overseas and those who are in Australia, travelling, working or studying under a different visa class.  Permanent residents are considered international students.   Visit our photo gallery and testimonial page to see and hear about International students’ experiences. The Melbourne Rudolf Steiner […]

Spring Intensive – Primary Class Teacher

2023 Primary Class Teacher Spring Intensive A four-day in-person block intensive – 1-4 September 2023 Welcome the Spring term in with an invigorating Primary Class Teacher block intensive for learning, fellowship and fun.   This in-person block intensive can be taken to complement our part-time online Primary Class Teacher course or can be attended on its […]