About the Advanced Diploma
in Rudolf Steiner Education

This full-time two-year accredited course equips students in the theory and practice of Steiner Education with a comprehensive grounding in anthroposophy (from the Greek anthropos meaning 'human' and sophia meaning 'wisdom').

The course also provides a rich experience for students seeking to develop themselves in accordance with their deepest nature and to find their true path in life.

We offer both an on-campus Advanced Diploma course in Warranwood Victoria and an online Advanced Diploma (pending sufficient enrolments.) 

Over the two years the students are involved in a broad range of studies which are theoretical, practical and artistic.  Students will study a series of foundation modules in child development, humanities, sciences, the arts and anthroposophy.  The study will take place over 3 mornings each week in every term, and in three compulsory on-campus intensives.  Students will develop knowledge and experience in teaching by studying the Steiner curriculum and undertaking three practical placements in Steiner schools or mainstream schools with a Steiner stream.

In a Steiner curriculum, the arts (painting, drawing and modelling, music, drama and movement) are not only stand-alone subjects, but are fully integrated across almost every area of the curriculum, for example, numeracy, literacy, geography, history etc.

  • To download the Course Unit Guide, fill out the form to the right.
  • Enjoy our information evening recording for a description of the course units and Steiner/Waldorf teaching.

To obtain the qualification of Advanced Diploma, you will successfully complete all the prescribed units of competency over the two years.  The assessment is a graded competency-based model, where students’ work will be graded (HD high distinction, D distinction, C credit, S satisfactory and NYS not yet satisfactory) on the basis of your performance.  To successfully complete a unit of competency, you must be assessed as satisfactory or above for every element.

The Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar meets the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisation 2015 across its scope of registration and meets the requirements of the Standards for all AQF certification documentation it has issued in the previous 12 months.

The Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar has training and assessment strategies and practices in place that ensure that all current and prospective learners will be trained and assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Standards.

(Course code 11298NAT, CRICOS course code 107755A, Registered Training Organisation 3948 and CRICOS course provider 01812M).

A Bachelor of Education or Masters of Teaching are the minimum qualification necessary to teach in any Australian school.

Our Advanced Diploma of Rudolf Steiner Education provides an essential and critical pre-requisite pathway to a university Bachelor of Education, and is an approved pathway with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

Steiner schools around Australia have an urgent need for professionally trained Steiner teachers and highly regard this qualification as the basis for employment. See our Pathways page or Graduate Outcomes  for further information about becoming a Steiner teacher.

For information on course fees please go to our Fees page.

You may be awarded RPL if: 

  • You have graduated from an Anthroposophical Studies course that is recognised by the Seminar. 
  • You have undertaken studies or worked in Anthroposophy, Steiner education or early childhood education in other registered training organisations. 
  • Have undertaken work or study in Anthroposophy or Steiner Education or another relevant field. 
  • You can demonstrate required skills or knowledge that you acquired in your work or study. 

To apply, read the following documents and submit your RPL application form to office@steinerseminar.edu.au:

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Recognition of Prior Learning Application Kit  

Domestic students

To apply for the course:  

  1. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older 
  2. Applicants must have either:
    • an Australian Year 12 Certificate of Education as awarded by an Australian State or Territory (a copy of which must be provided to and retained by the Seminar), or  
    • an Australian Qualifications Framework Certification IV or higher qualification (where the language of instruction is English), or  
    • language/literacy skills to level 4 and numeracy skills to level 3 of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF).  This will be demonstrated by the completion of an approved online Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment, displaying competence at these working levels.  You will be advised if you need to take this test.
  3. provide evidence of a current Victorian Working with Children Check, or evidence that one has been applied for.  Only a volunteer WWCC is required.
  4. have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). 
  5. The ability to pay the tuition fee. Enrolment is subject to the Tuition Fee Policy.  See the Policy page on this website.
  6. To be enrolled as a student you must be an Australian citizen or a qualifying New Zealand citizen or have either: 
    • a Permanent Humanitarian Visa 
    • a Permanent Residency Visa or 
    • a Temporary Entry Permit 

International students

For eligibility as an international student, see the International Student webpage.

Due to application processing times and the Christmas and New Year holidays, the first round of domestic student applications are due by 19 December

International students will want to apply by 30 September to give sufficient time for assessing the application and applying for a student visa. Prospective international students apply on the  International Students page.

Late applications will be considered.

1.  Prepare and scan documents

     You will need scans of the following documents to upload with your online application.

  • Academic transcripts and qualifications (with English translations where applicable)
  • 500-word handwritten biography introducing yourself and including why you wish to do this course
  • Two written references from a colleague or teacher who has known you for preferably two years
  • Proof of citizenship: Birth certificate or passport photo page.  Passport page for international students.
  • Passport-sized photo
  • Your USI number.  If you do not have a USI, apply here.
  • Proof of Working With Children Check or evidence that you have applied for one.  You only require a free volunteer WWCC. (Domestic students only.  International students will apply once they enter the country)

2.  Read important policy documents on our Policies page

     Please ensure you have read all the relevant policies on our Policies page before applying, including:

  • Enrolment policies
  • Tuition Fee and Refund Policy
  • Student Support Services Policy
  • Term dates

3.  Complete the online application form

Domestic  students complete and submit the online Local Student Application form .
International students complete and submit the online International Student Application form.

4.  Interview

When your application is complete and submitted, we will arrange an interview with you, either in person or over Zoom.  Please view our recording of the Advanced Diploma information session before the interview.

5.  Letter of Offer and Enrolment Agreement

If you are offered a place at the Seminar, we will send you a Letter of Offer and an Enrolment Agreement to sign and return to us.

6.  Confirmation of Enrolment

After we receive your signed Enrolment Agreement, we will send you a Confirmation of Enrolment. 

  • Watch the Information Evening recording
  • Campus tour by appointment.  Ring on 03 9876 5199 or email office@steinerseminar.edu.au
  • Did you watch the recording for ‘Finding your Destiny: The Art of Steiner / Waldorf Teaching?’?  Click HERE to watch

ON-CAMPUS Advanced Diploma

We offer the Advanced Diploma course here on-campus in Warranwood, Victoria, subject to sufficient enrolments.

  • full-time course over two years, 687 contact hours.  We recommend students allow 6-8 hours per week on top of class session time for homework, assessments and exercises
  • Terms average 6 weeks in length
  • Classes are held on campus Tuesdays – Thursdays from 9.00am – 1.30pm, with three mandatory onsite intensives.
  • Assessments will be in varied forms:  written work, role plays, performances and other topics, portfolios of art and craft, quizzes, diagrams.

As part of the course there are 3 mandatory professional placements in Steiner schools or Steiner-stream schools

    • 1st placement in your first year
      • 4 days of school visits in Terms 2 & 3
      • an observation round (no teaching), 20 – 31 October 2025.
      • 8 days minimum
      • Student and Seminar choose appropriate/desired placement.
    • 2nd placement in your second year
      • End of Term 2, TBA
      • Minimum 12 days
    • 3rd placement in your second year
      • End of Term 3, TBA
      • Minimum 16 days

There will be 3 mandatory  intensives at our campus in Warranwood Victoria.  Intensives will cover vital aspects of delivering a Steiner education to students such as Morning Circle, Bothmer gym, developing festivals, drama, music, craft, storytelling, folk dancing and artistic movement.

  • 29 August – 5 September 2025 (8 consecutive days – First year students)
  • 28 Mar – 6 Apr 2025 (10 consecutive days – Second year students)
  • 14-21 November 2025 (8 consecutive days – Second year students)

Timetables will be available February 2025.

ONLINE Advanced Diploma

In 2025 we will offer the online Advanced Diploma subject to sufficient enrolments. 

  • Full-time course over two years, 687 hours.  We recommend students allow 6-8 hours per week on top of class session time for homework, assessments and exercises.
  • 6 weeks per term x 8 terms, over two years.
  • The number of days and hours per week may vary depending on the course material delivered that term.  However, generally classes are Monday – Wednesdays between the hours of 9.00am and 1.30pm, with three mandatory onsite intensives.
  • Assessments will be in varied forms:  written work, short videos of role plays, performances and other topics, portfolios of art and craft, quizzes, diagrams.
  • All sessions will be recorded.  Online students will access all classes, recordings and resources through the Seminar’s Microsoft Teams Student Portal.

As part of the course, there will be 3 mandatory professional placements in Steiner schools or Steiner-stream schools

    • 1st placement (first year students)
      • an observation round (no teaching), 20 – 31 October 2025.
      • 8 days minimum
      • Student to organise placement and dates with school and with guidance from the Seminar.
      • Seminar to organise all administration
    • 2nd placement (second year students)
      • End of Term 2, TBA
      • Minimum 12 days
    • 3rd placement (second year students)
      • End of Term 3, TBA
      • Minimum 16 days

There will be 3 mandatory  intensives at our campus in Warranwood Victoria.  Intensives will cover vital aspects of delivering a Steiner education to students such as Morning Circle, Bothmer gym, developing festivals, drama, music, craft, storytelling, folk dancing and artistic movement.

  • 29 August – 5 September 2025 (8 consecutive days – First year students)
  • 28 Mar – 6 Apr 2025 (10 consecutive days – Second year students)
  • 14-21 November 2025 (8 consecutive days – Second year students)

Timetables will be available February 2025.

Other Advanced Diploma Pages

Book a campus tour

Ring on 03 9876 5199 or email office@steinerseminar.edu.au